Scheduling theory holds great promise as a means to a priori validate
timing correctness of real-time applications. However, there currently
exists a wide gap between scheduling theory and its implementation in
operating system kernels running on specific hardware platforms. The
implementation of any particular scheduling algorithm introduces overh
ead and blocking components which must be accounted for in the timing
correctness validation process. This paper presents a methodology for
incorporating the costs of scheduler implementation within the context
of fixed priority scheduling algorithms. Both event-driven and timer-
driven scheduling implementations are analyzed. We show that for the t
imer-driven scheduling implementations the selection of the timer inte
rrupt rate can dramatically affect the schedulability of a task set, a
nd we present a method for determining the optimal timer rate. We anal
yzed both randomly generated and two well-defined task sets and found
that their schedulability can be significantly degraded by the impleme
ntation costs. Task sets that have ideal breakdown utilization over 90
% may not even be schedulable when the implementation costs are consid
ered. This work provides a first step toward bridging the gap between
real-time scheduling theory and implementation realities. This gap mus
t be bridged for any meaningful validation of timing correctness prope
rties of real-time applications.