The uptake of L-lactate was investigated in neuronal primary cultures
derived from embryonic rat brain with a radioactive tracer method. Aft
er preincubation of the cells in glucose-free buffer for 30 min, uptak
e increased with time for at least IO min. A saturable component of up
take was found with half-maximal uptake at 10 mM lactate. This saturab
le component was abolished in the presence of 10 mM alpha-cyano-4-hydr
oxycinnamic acid. In addition, a non-saturable component dominated the
uptake at high concentrations of lactate. Uptake was accelerated with
decreasing pH, and was inhibited considerably by pyruvate. It is conc
luded that neurons are endowed with a lactate transport system which r
esembles in its properties the monocarboxylate carrier of peripheral t