In this study, the influence of thin oxides on thermal and ion-beam in
duced CoSi2 formation as well as the interaction between Co and thick
isolation oxides during ion-beam mixing and rapid thermal annealing we
re investigated. It was shown that a native oxide layer between the Co
and the Si has a strong influence on reaction temperature and propert
ies of the formed silicide layer whereas ion-beam mixing with Ge doses
at or above 5 x 10(14) cm(-2) resulted reproducibly in a decreased re
action temperature and in formation of homogeneous layers. Further inv
estigations revealed that silicide grain formation is possible on thin
thermal oxides up to 10 nm. Using oxide layers thicker than 100 nm, n
o CoSi2 formation could be detected after thermal treatment but a rath
er severe damage of the SiO2 surface resulted. In contrast to this, io
n-beam mixing with Ge or As ion doses at or above 5 x 10(14) cm(-2) an
d subsequent annealing led to good adhesion of Co on SiO2 without dama
ge of the oxide surface.