Optically thick films of MnPt3 were deposited on quartz using de magne
tron sputtering. The films were covered with an SiOx protective overco
at and annealed in vacuum at 850 degrees C for 1 h to form the crystal
line L1(2) (Cu3Au) cubic structure. These films have a high degree of
long-range order and are highly textured with the (111) axis along the
film normal. Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements w
ere taken over the spectral range of 1.2-4.2 eV to determine the optic
al constants of both MnPt3 and the SiO, overcoat. Spectroscopic magnet
o-optic Ken rotation and ellipticity measurements at near normal incid
ence over the spectral range of 1.4-3.6 eV were used to determine the
off-diagonal dielectric tensor elements for MnPt3. First-principles el
ectronic-structure calculations were carried out for the ordered MnPt3
structure and from these the dielectric tensor elements of MnPt3 were
calculated. The experimental and theoretical values of the diagonal c
omponents of the dielectric tensor components are in good agreement. T
he agreement for the off-diagonal components of the dielectric tens or
is only fair.