The objective of the study was to test the effectiveness of Zn, Se and
Cu supplementation through reticulum-rumen pellets and its effects on
the rate of cellular and humoral reactions in sheep. An experiment in
cluded 12 lambing ewes of the Merino breed at the age of two years. Zn
-containing pellets were applied via rumen to three lambing ewes at th
e end of November, Se pellets were applied to other three lambing.ewes
Cu pellets to other three ewes. Three lambing ewes were control. Bloo
d samples were taken from the v. jugularis from all the investigated e
wes before bolus administration, in month 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 after ap
plication. Zn, Se and Cu concentrations in the blood serum were determ
ined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Immune reactions were eva
luated from the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins (IgC), albumin
(ALB), total proteins (TP), from phagocytic activity (PA), phagocytic
index (PI), migration-inhibitory test (MIT) and determination of tetr
azolium-reductase activity of phagocytes (INT-test). In comparison wit
h the starting values, the highest increase in zincemia (80 %) was rec
orded in the lambing ewes administered zinc boluses as soon as in the
lst month after administration. A significant difference in Zn concent
rations between the zinc-pellet group and the control animals was obse
rved in the 1st month after administration (P < 0.01). An increase in
Se concentrations in the blood serum was observed in the lambing ewes
administered selenium boluses in the lst month after administration. S
e content in the blood serum of the given group of ewes was highest at
the end of observation (2.72 +/- 0.29 mumol/l). A statistically signi
ficant difference in Se content between the group of selenium-bolus ew
es and the control ewes was confirmed at a significance level P < 0.05
in the 1st and 2nd month of the experiment. Cu concentrations in the
blood serum in the Cu-bolus ewes increased in the 1st month if compare
d with the starting values. The highest Cu concentration in the blood
serum was recorded in the given group within month 4 to 7 of the exper
iment (16.53 +/- 2.72, or 21.23 +/- 4.40 mumol/l). There were signific
ant differences in cupremia between the Cu-pellet group of ewes and th
e control animals (P < 0.05). In comparison with the starting values,
the highest increase in TP concentrations were determined in the Cu-pe
llet ewes in the 4th, 6th and 7th months. Albuminemia dynamics in the
experimental animals and in the control group did mt vary significantl
y. A trend of the highest immunoglobulinemia during the experiment was
apparent in the ewes administered Se and Cu boluses. Significant diff
erences in the concentrations of serum IgC between the groups of Cu-pe
llet ewes and the control were recorded in the 4th, 6th and 7th months
(P < 0.05, or P < 0.01) while between the Se-bolus animals and the co
ntrol it was in the 6th month (P < 0.05). The experimental ewes had an
insignificantly higher per cent of PA in the experiment. All the expe
rimental groups had the statistically insignificantly higher PI in the
1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th months of observation in comparison with the co
ntrol animals. After the polyclonal activation of ewe lymphocytes with
phytohemagglutinin in MIT there was no significant difference in the
migration index depending upon Se, Cu and Zn administration in compari
son with the control group. The index of metabolic surge in the INT-te
st had the highest values in the experiment in the ewes administered Z
n-containing pellets. Significant differences in the index of metaboli
c surge were confirmed between the Zn-pellet group of ewes arid the co
ntrol animals in the 6th and 7th months (P < 0.05). The results of the
experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the tested reticulum-rum
en boluses used in Zn, Cu and Se supplementation in ewes. The administ
ration of these pellets can positively influence the animal immunity,
which is advantageous particularly in the animals with a long-range de
ficit of microelements.