Collisions of Au on Au at incident energies of 150, 250 and 400 A . Me
V were studied with the FOPI-facility at GSI Darmstadt. Nuclear charge
(Z less than or equal to 15) and velocity of the products were detect
ed with full azimuthal acceptance at laboratory angles 1 degrees less
than or equal to theta(lab) less than or equal to 30 degrees. Isotope
separated light charged particles were measured with movable multiple
telescopes in an angular range of 6-90 degrees. Central collisions rep
resenting about 1% of the reaction cross section were selected by requ
iring high total transverse energy, but vanishing side Row. The veloci
ty space distributions and yields of the emitted fragments are reporte
d. The data are analysed in terms of a thermal model including radial
flow. A comparison with predictions of the quantum molecular model is