A phase separation inhibitor, WR77913 [S-3(amino-2-hydroxypropyl) phos
phorothioate], was tested for its effects on lens opacification in the
radiation (RAD), selenite (SEL), galactose (GAL), streptozotocin (STZ
), and Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) models for cataract. A single i
.p. injection of WR77913, approximately 15 min before induction of cat
aract formation by RAD, SEL, STZ delayed or inhibited opacification. R
epeated administration was necessary to delay or inhibit opacification
in the GAL or RCS models for cataracts. The results suggest that phas
e separation inhibitors such as WR77913 have the potential to delay or
inhibit lens opacification resulting from a variety of physiological
or biochemical mechanisms.