The study of in-flame chemical processes involving nitrogenous species
forms an important part of the understanding of the design parameters
which lead to lower NO(x) emissions from combustion systems. This pap
er presents data from experimental and modelling studies on the nitrog
enous emissions from an oil fired furnace using staged combustion for
the control of NO(x) emissions. Measurements of the in-flame NO concen
tration profiles are compared for the same burner operating in the uns
taged and staged mode. The exit gas NO concentration was reduced by 30
% during staged combustion with 35% secondary air. A post-processing N
O model linked to the output from a commercial computational code was
used to predict the rates of formation and concentrations of thermal,
fuel and prompt-NO from the experimental system. The predictions showe
d that NO emission is in good qualitative agreement with the experimen
tally observed values when the effects of superequilibrium radical for
mation and turbulence/chemistry interaction are considered.