Many observers of managerial processes have come to the conclusion tha
t discounted cash flow methods lead to a damaging neglect of long-term
and strategic investments (e.g., Hayes and Garvin [5], MacCallum [9],
and Dertouzos et al [4]). Some critics have argued for putting less w
eight on financial analysis and more on managerial intuition. Myers [1
0] has countered that the problem is the inappropriate application of
financial analysis rather than the use of financial analysis in genera
l. He suggests that improper accounting for risk in future cash flows
frequently leads to the use of discount rates that are too high. This
results in relative undervaluation of typical long-term decision alter
natives. He also suggests that organizations may underestimate, or neg
lect altogether, the value of options stemming from managerial decisio
ns. Because the creation and exercise of future options-is of the esse
nce of strategic decision-making, and since there tend to be more opti
ons imbedded in longer-term investments, the undervaluation of future
options would induce a bias against strategic or long-term decision al
ternatives. In this paper, we use modem asset pricing methods to exami
ne one possible reason for excessive risk discounting. If the cash flo
ws being discounted have an increasing dependence on an uncertain vari
able that tends to revert to a long-term equilibrium path in the face
of short-term shocks and this reversion is ignored, then the uncertain
ty in the cash flows will be overestimated. If this uncertainty leads
to excessive, systematic risk discounting, then the project will be un
dervalued. We show how to classify the effects of such reversion on as
set value, as well as the implications of ignoring it. Our examples in
clude both ''now-or-never'' decisions about a production project and c
hoices that involve a project timing option. The reverting variable in
these examples is the project output price. For some examples, the me
asure of ''long-term versus short-term'' is the operating duration of
the project; for others, it is the length of the timing option. Throug
hout, we use a set of valuation models designed for relative case of c
alculation and usefulness for managers. 1 All of the situations that w
e examine satisfy three conditions. First, the investing organization
is a price-taker in the output market, so that the price is an underly
ing exogenous variable. Second, uncertainty in future output prices is
the only uncertainty underlying the decisions to be made, and this un
certainty results in positive risk discounting in the valuation of cla
ims to any fixed future output. Third, the structure of the potential
production opportunity (i.e., the profiles of production and sales, an
d project costs) is independent of when the project is undertaken. The
first two conditions allow us to focus on a simple specific model. Th
e third condition is imposed so that the effects of reversion can be i
solated from those due to any direct dependence of the project cash fl
ows on time. Output price reversion has a straightforward effect on ''
now-or-never'' decisions about project alternatives, provided there ar
e no operating options to be considered. The stronger the reversion, t
he lower the uncertainty in long-term revenues, which, in turn, may re
quire less risk discounting. Thus, any neglect or underestimation of r
eversion may bias against project alternatives with more long-term rev
enues, other things being constant. Moreover, the use of a single disc
ount rate to value (on a now-or-never basis) project alternatives with
different operating lives may introduce a bias against long-term inve
stments when there is reversion in the project output price. If option
s are imbedded in the project alternatives being considered, the effec
ts of output price reversion are more complex. As noted, because rever
sion tends to decrease long-term price uncertainty, it may reduce the
risk premium or discount factor and raise the value of the underlying
asset claim (here, a claim to a cash flow proportional to the long-ter
m output price). This may increase the value of claims to cash flows t
hat increase with long-term prices, such as call options, and decrease
the value of claims to cash flows that decrease with price, such as p
ut options. This phenomenon may be referred to as the ''risk-discounti
ng'' effect. Less uncertainty also tends to reduce directly the value
of long-term options of any type. This may be called the option ''vari
ance'' effect, which reinforces the risk-discounting effect for put op
tions and mitigates, if not overwhelms, it for call options. Finally,
the reversion of future term structures for central tendencies of the
price can have direct effects on asset values. These may be called ''f
uture-reversion'' effects. They exist for American options, for which
the timing of the option exercise is discretionary, and may exist for
options whose payoffs occur over a period of time. The details of thes
e effects on an option can depend on whether or not the option is in-t
he-money now, and whether the reversion is to prices where the option
would be in- or out-of-the-money in the future.In Section I, we introd
uce the class of price models to be examined. We restrict the analysis
to price processes that have a lognormal structure. This condition al
lows us to present an easily integrated form of the conditional distri
bution (in any future state) of the term structure of prices, and perm
its us to apply a nonstochastic discounting framework to the valuation
of related price claims. We also wish to facilitate the valuation of
project options, such as the initial timing option considered below. T
herefore, we examine price models that result in a simple state space
(i.e., a one-dimensional state space indexed by the contemporaneous ou
tput price). The output price models we use are each specified using a
process for the expectation of prices where the key feature is an exp
onentially decaying term structure of expectation volatilities. New in
formation has a greater impact on expectations for the prices that wil
l occur a year or two in the future than on expectations for prices th
at will occur in ten or 20 years. Moreover, the-proportional drift in
the resulting process for the price itself has a term that is logarith
mic in the price, illustrating the reversion forces at work in the pri
ce itself. Finally, the pattern of future conditional term structures
of price medians shows the reversion directly. 2 In Section