A new analysis of the experimental data obtained by the C-12(p, p) rea
ction at the proton scattering angle theta(f) = 80-degrees near two su
perimposed 3.511 MeV, 3/2- and 3.547 MeV, 5/2+ resonance states of the
N-13 compound nucleus was carried out by using the bremsstrahlung met
hod and considering the interference between the background (direct) a
nd resonant (compound nucleus) processes. A general expression of the
collision duration is obtained for the case of superimposed resonances
with different values of the spin and parity distorted by the non-res
onant background. The results of calculations performed using this exp
ression for the case of the two 3.511 and 3.547 MeV N-13 states are co
mpared with the experimental data. The total collision duration versus
outgoing photon energy is deduced.