In a 2-month-old cross-bred calf with paraplegia, results of neurologi
c evaluation were suggestive of a spinal cord lesion caudal to L3. The
calf bled from the blood sampling site for an extended period after v
enipuncture. Leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia were observed.
The leukocytes were predominantly atypical blast cells. Postmortem ex
amination revealed petechial hemorrhages throughout the internal organ
s. Bone marrow was pale tan, with no red marrow seen. Atypical leukocy
tes were diffusely distributed throughout the body, with penetration o
f the spinal cord and spinal roots, particularly in the lumbar region.
Atypical leukocytes stained positively for alpha-naphthyl acetate est
erase and chloracetate esterase, and stained with Sudan black B. Atypi
cal leukocytes expressed class-1 and class-2 major histocompatibility
antigens, but did not express specific T-, B-, or null-cell surface an
tigens. The final diagnosis was myelomonocytic leukemia. Differential
diagnosis of leukemia in calves should include myelogenous leukemia, a
nd requires use of various techniques to make a definitive diagnosis.