Retinoids are essential for normal development and both deficiency and
excess of retinoic acid (RA) are teratogenic. Retinoic acid response
elements (RAREs) have been identified in Hox gene promoters suggesting
that endogenous retinoids may be involved in the direct control of Ho
x gene patterning functions, In order to test this hypothesis, we have
mutated the Hoxa-1 3'RARE using the Cre-loxP targeting strategy, and
studied its functional role during mouse development, We find that thi
s enhancer plays an important role in the early establishment of the H
oxa-1 anterior expression boundary in the neural plate. This early dis
turbance in Hoxa-1 activation results in rhombomere and cranial nerve
abnormalities reminiscent of those obtained in the Hoxa-1 total knocko
ut, although their severity and penetrance are lower, thus providing s
trong evidence for direct control of Hox gene function by retinoids du
ring normal development, Interestingly, we also find that the Hoxa-1 e
xpression response to RA treatment is not entirely controlled by the R
ARE, suggesting the existence of other retinoid-induced factors mediat
ing the Hoxa-1 response to RA and/or the presence of additional RAREs,
Interestingly, although the RARE is not required for the spatiotempor
al control of colinear expression of the Hoxa genes, it is absolutely
required for correct Hoxa-2 expression in rhombomere 5.