The status of the specific name of the Southern sea lion is controvers
ial; currently two names are in use: Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800) an
d Otaria byronia (de Blainville, 1820). The former was based on a two-
foot-long yellowish otariid collected in the Strait of Magellan and th
e latter on a skull stated to have been collected on the Tinian Island
(Marianas Archipelago); unfortunately both holotypes are lost. Otaria
flavescens has date priority over Otaria byronia, but its identificat
ion was uncertain. This paper focuses on analyzing the main features o
f Shaw's holotype (body length, ear size, and hair color), which fit w
ith the features of a Southern sea lion pup. As this was a tangible sp
ecimen from a valid locality and has priority over other available epi
thets, the specific name of the Southern sea lion should be Otaria fla
vescens (Shaw, 1800).