In high-performance processors, providing a fast cache hit time is one
of the most important design issues, if not the most important one, s
ince the cache hit time is one of the key determinants of the processo
r cycle time. Direct-mapped virtual caches would be a nice match with
such high-speed processors since they have the potential for a very fa
st hit time. Their fast hit time comes mainly from two sources: (1) th
ey do not require a preceding TLB access on a cache hit since they are
accessed by virtual addresses; (2) they do not suffer from delays due
to additional comparators and multiplexers that would otherwise be pr
esent in the set-associative caches. However, their hit time advantage
does not come without drawbacks. Being virtual caches, they require a
n anti-aliasing scheme (either in hardware or software) to solve the w
ell-known synonym problem and, being direct-mapped caches, they yield
higher miss ratios than set-associative caches of comparable size. Thi
s paper proposes a novel cache organization called V-P cache that impr
oves the miss ratios of direct-mapped virtual caches. The key to the p
roposed scheme is the use of the physical address to reaccess the cach
e when the cache access based on the virtual address is a miss. Theref
ore, a given memory block can be placed in two different sets, one bas
ed on the virtual address and the other based on the physical address.
By providing the benefit of two-way set-associative caches, the propo
sed scheme can eliminate many misses due to conflicts among frequently
used blocks that happen to be mapped to the same set. Another importa
nt benefit of the proposed scheme is that it reduces the so-called ant
i-aliasing misses that result from the accesses to the blocks previous
ly evicted from the cache for anti-aliasing purposes. A quantitative e
valuation based on trace-driven simulations using ATUM traces reveals
that conventional direct-mapped virtual caches utilize only 50% of tot
al cache blocks due to replacements of cache blocks for anti-aliasing
purposes. The proposed V-P cache, on the other hand, is shown to utili
ze more than 80% of the total cache blocks. The results also show that
this improved cache storage utilization yields miss ratio improvement
s of up to 25%.