The biochemical nature of the feline AB blood group system was charact
erized by analysing red blood cells from homozygous (genotype A/A) and
heterozygous (A/B) type A, type B (B/B), and type AB cats. High perfo
rmance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) of red cell glycolipids revea
led that specific neuraminic acids (NA) on gangliosides, containing ce
ramide dihexoside (CDH) as a backbone, correlated with the feline AB b
lood group antigens. Although disialogangliosides predominated, mono-
and trisialogangliosides were also isolated. B cats expressed solely N
-acetyl-NA (NeuNAc) on these gangliosides. In addition to expressing N
-glycolyl-NA (NeuNGc) containing gangliosides, A red cells have gangli
osides with only NeuNAc or mixtures of both NA. HPTLC profiles of disi
alogangliosides from homozygous and heterozygous A cats differed sligh
tly in the quantity of disialogangliosides. Equal amounts of NeuNAc an
d NeuNGc containing disialogangliosides, as well as two intermediary f
orms, were recovered from AB erythrocytes. Analysing disialogangliosid
es from red cells belonging to 17 genetically related cats, we consist
ently obtained the expected disialoganglioside profile, based on blood
typing and pedigree information. SDS-PAGE of red cell membrane protei
ns and blotting with Triticum vulgaris, a lectin recognizing NeuNAc, r
evealed glycoproteins of approximately 51, 53, and 80 kD in B and AB c
ats but only a faint band of approximately 53 kD in A cats. By haemagg
lutination, Triticum vulgaris could also distinguish different blood t
ypes by specifically binding to B and AB cells. Flow cytometry showed
that more anti-B bound to B cells than anti-A bound to A cells. Althou
gh AB cells had a broad range of fluorescence when compared to the pro
files seen with A and B cells, the mean fluorescence with AB cells was
half of that seen with A or B. These results further characterize the
antigens determining the feline A-B blood group system illustrating d
ifferences between A, B and AB cats, and between homozygous and hetero
zygous A cats.