A panel of bovine somatic cell hybrids was used to map ovine microsate
llites. Five of seven microsatellites were assigned to five bovine syn
tenic groups. These microsatellites were designated D5S10 (MAF23), D1S
4 (MAF46), D13S1 (MAF18), D4S3 (MAF50), and DXS2 (MAF45), mapped to sy
ntenic groups U3 (chromosome 5), U10 (chromosome 1), U11, U13, and the
X chromosome, respectively. Two remaining sheep microsatellites ampli
fied rodent DNA in the hybrid somatic cell panel, and. were not assign
ed to bovine syntenic groups. Assignment of ovine-derived microsatelli
tes to bovine syntenic groups provides additional evidence of the usef
ulness of microsatellites for mapping closely related species. The use
of ovine and bovine microsatellites will aid in development of compar
ative genomic maps for these two species.