Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) developed from recombinant DNA tec
hnology is a highly effective thrombolytic agent. Its main clinical ap
plication is in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (MI), wit
h most beneficial results occurring in patients treated early after th
e onset of symptoms. When t-PA was compared with other thrombolytic ag
ents, such as streptokinase (SK) and anisolyted plasminogen streptokin
ase (APSAC), the data obtained from the mega trials (GISSI 2 and ISIS
3) revealed no significant difference in mortality. However, in the re
cent GUSTO trial involving 41,000 patients, t-PA-treated patients had
a significantly lower mortality rate compared to SK-treated patients.
Aggressive adjunctive therapy, including intravenous heparin in combin
ation with aspirin, may have accounted for this difference.