Integrated intelligent building design systems (IIBDSs) are computer-b
ased design environments which will in the future be used by engineers
and architects to assist them in the design of buildings. This paper
deals with the class of IIBDSs whose aim it is to improve the energy e
fficiency and overall performance of buildings. Development of these I
IBDSs is a substantial task and may take some time to be realized. The
EC COMBINE project and the U.S. AEDOT project have been initiated to
take the first step towards developing these future IIBDSs. This paper
focuses on the COMBINE project. COMBINE's first step towards developi
ng IIBDSs is to implement a building product model based on the 'produ
ct modelling' approach promoted by the computer-integrated manufacturi
ng (CIM) community. This building product model allows information abo
ut a building to be passed between different design professionals (e.g
. architects, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system
designers etc.). Data exchange through the product model is tested us
ing various design prototypes one of which is called the HVAC-Design p
rototype. The HVAC-Design prototype helps a HVAC system designer to se
lect a preliminary HVAC system for a building. This paper reviews: (a)
ongoing research into the development of IIBDSs and (b) various softw
are tools which may be incorporated into future IIBDSs. The main empha
sis of the paper is on the COMBINE project and the functionality of th
e HVAC-Design prototype in COMBINE. There is also a discussion on how
HVAC-Design may develop in the future.