Serum free thyroxine (FT4) levels were measured in patients with Hashi
moto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease who were seropositive for thyro
id hormone autoantibodies. The methods used were equilibrium dialysis/
radioimmunoassay (FT4 by equilibrium dialysis, Nichols Institute) and
FT4 analog radioimmunoassay (Amerlex MFT4) before and after treatment
of sera with 12.5% polyethylene glycol (PEG). Furthermore, FT4 measure
ment in the PEG-treated sera was done using two other analog radioimmu
noassays (DPC FT4 kit and N-FT4 Corning). Serum thyrotropin (TSH) conc
entration before and after i.v. infusion of thyrotropin releasing horm
one (TRH) was measured in five cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and fo
ur cases of Graves' disease with thyroid hormone autoantibodies. Altho
ugh FT4 determination by analog tracer radioimmunoassays showed unusua
lly high values for the hormone, results obtained by an equilibrium di
alysis/radioimmunoassay method showed compatible values with basal TSH
. Furthermore, FT4 concentrations measured with Amerlex MFT4 after tre
atment of sera with 12.5% PEG, correlated well with the values obtaine
d by equilibrium dialysis/radioimmunoassay (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). Simi
lar results were obtained with two other analog FT4 radioimmunoassays
after treatment of sera with PEG. These results indicate that real FT4
values in patients with thyroid hormone autoantibodies are compatible
with basal TSH concentrations. The presence of thyroid hormone autoan
tibodies per se does not affect the control mechanism of the hypothala
mo-pituitary-thyroid axis. It was concluded that measurement of basal
TSH as well as FT4 values by either equilibrium dialysis/radioimmunoas
say or analog radioimmunoassays after PEG treatment provides clinician
s with valid information for assessment of the precise status of thyro
id function in patients with thyroid hormone autoantibodies.