Alpha1-Adrenoceptor subtypes mediate many of the actions of the renal
nerve, but their locations along the nephron are unknown. We investiga
ted the distribution of alpha1-adrenoceptor subtype mRNA and protein i
n rat proximal tubules and medullary thick ascending limbs (MTAL) usin
g reverse transcription combined with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
and radioligand binding methods. Complementary primers were designed t
o span cDNA sequences in each of the third intracellular loops of the
rat alpha1B- and alpha1D-adrenoceptors. Expression of the mRNA of alph
a1B- and alpha1D-adrenoceptors was first detected in total RNA from wh
ole rat kidney, and the PCR product identity was confirmed by sequenci
ng. Endogenous expression of alpha1B- and/or alpha1D-adrenoceptor mRNA
was then investigated in microdissected segments of the rat proximal
convoluted tubule (S2 segments) and the MTAL. mRNA was reverse-transcr
ibed directly from permeablized microdissected segments and the result
ing cDNA was subjected to PCR with the al-adrenoceptor primers. In pro
ximal convoluted tubules, amplification of both alpha1B- and alpha1D-a
drenoceptor mRNA was observed. In MTAL segments, only alpha1D-adrenoce
ptor mRNA was detected. We also measured receptor protein using [H-3]p
razosin in saturation and competition binding experiments. Proximal tu
bular membranes contained 3.3-fold more alpha1-adrenoceptor than did M
TAL membranes (163 +/- 21 versus 49 +/- 3 fmol/mg of protein). When th
e alkylating agent chloroethylclonidine (CEC) (10 muM, 10 min) was use
d to define alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes, proximal tubules were found
to contain primarily CEC-insensitive (alpha1A) sites (68 +/- 4%) and M
TAL primarily CEC-sensitive sites (75 +/- 3%). Most [H-3]prazosin bind
ing sites (72 +/- 2%) in MTAL segments were also sensitive to the alky
lating agent SZL-49, consistent with their identification as alpha1D-a
drenoceptors. In competition studies with the antagonists WB4101, 5-me
thylurapidil, and (+)-niguldipine, both high and low affinity sites we
re observed in proximal tubules. WB41 01 interacted with only one site
in MTAL membranes, intermediate in affinity between those sites found
in proximal tubules. We conclude that reverse transcription-PCR is a
useful method for demonstrating the expression of alpha1-adrenoceptor
subtypes in small amounts of tissue. Results from our experiments sugg
est that alpha1A-, alpha1B-, and alpha1D-adrenoceptors are all express
ed in proximal tubules and that alpha1D-adrenoceptors are the primary
alpha1-adrenoceptor subtype expressed in MTAL. The distinct anatomical
distribution of each of these adrenoceptor subtypes suggests that the
y serve different functions in the kidney.