This paper presents some tools which have been developed to aid in vis
ualizing the analysis results obtained from the simulation of coal com
bustion furnaces in particular and other computational fluid dynamics
problems in general. These tools have been implemented into a visualiz
ation software package called CQUEL.BYU. This paper presents an overvi
ew of the general capabilities of CQUEL.BYU which are pertinent to the
coal combustion community. It then presents some new algorithms for v
isualizing gas flow, particulate motion, and scalar fields using anima
tion techniques. Specifically, many kinds of flow features, such as vo
rtex formation and velocities at each point, can be conveyed effective
ly in both animation and still images by means of cyclic particle anim
ation and oriented motion blur. Implementation of these capabilities i
nto a software package that runs on most general purpose, low-cost wor
kstations is discussed.