An efficient design methodology for the synthesis of self-recoverable
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) from behavioural leve
l specifications is presented. The synthesis process uses a novel appr
oach based on a problem-space genetic algorithm to perform concurrent
scheduling and allocation of functional units, registers and multiplex
ers. The proposed problem-space genetic algorithm based synthesis syst
em combines the power of a genetic algorithm (a global search method)
with a known heuristic to search a large design space in an intelligen
t way in order to find a global optimal solution. A checkpoint inserti
on algorithm for recovery from transient faults using micro rollback i
s an integrated part of the process of synthesizing cost-effective fau
lt-tolerant ASICs under the available number of hardware resources. Th
e system allows multi-cycle functional units as well as structural pip
elining. Experiments on benchmarks show very promising results.