In 1988 and 1989, a study of the annual cycle of PCBs, organohalogen P
esticides and herbicides was undertaken at Egbert, Ontario, Canada. Th
is paper examines, in additional detail, the annual behaviour of the p
olychlorinated bornanes or camphenes (called PCCs here) in southern on
tario in air. The results show that the annual cycle of PCCs peaks in
the summer months, indicating volatilization of PCCs from the earth's
surface. A best fit linear regression of the logarithm of the air conc
entration gives an inverse temperature slope which is -4780, very clos
e to the vapour pressure slope. This result is used to rederive the an
nual cycle using only the air temperature and a much closer representa
tion to the air concentration values is found than was presented in an
earlier work. The deviations of the air concentrations from these pre
dictions are analysed in terms of air trajectory analysis and the five
highest concentration deviations are due to air masses arriving in on
tario from the southern U.S.