In the conventional point tidal analysis approach, a set of tidal harm
onic constituents is derived from each time series of currents. These
sets of tidal constituents are then used to predict the tidal currents
. For a large database of current time series, either generated theore
tically (eg., from numerical modeling) or collected experimentally (e.
g., by remote sensing) the resultant database of harmonic constituents
can be prohibitively large. The procedure of tidal prediction becomes
time consuming and tedious. In this paper, an efficient and fast way
to predict the tidal currents simultaneously at many locations is deve
loped. The surface current data collected using ocean surface current
radar in Poole Bay has been analyzed using the technique of rotary emp
irical orthogonal functions (EOF) in the time domain. It is found that
the first EOF mode accounts for 97% of the total variance, while the
first two EOF modes together account for 98%. The time evolutions of t
he first two EOF modes are mainly semidiurnal. Using the tidal harmoni
c constituents for the time evolutions of these two EOF modes, the dom
inant tidal signals, namely, M2 and S2, in Poole Bay are well reproduc
ed. The spatial variation of the current ellipse characteristics (name
ly, the length of the semimajor axis, eccentricity, and angle of incli
nation) and Greenwich phase angles of M2 and S2 can be expressed in te
rms of the spatial variation of the flows in the first two EOF modes.
The tidal currents can be predicted with an accuracy of better than 90
%. EOF method reduces the tidal current prediction database from the n
umber of current time series to two sets of tidal harmonic constituent