Forty-six near-simultaneous pairs of conductivity-temperature-depth (C
TD) and Sparton ''tight tolerance'' air expendable bathythermograph (A
XBT) temperature profiles were obtained in summer 1991 from a location
in the Sargasso Sea. The data were analyzed to assess the temperature
and depth accuracies of the Sparton AXBTs. The tight-tolerance criter
ion was not achieved using the manufacturer's equations but may have b
een achieved using customized equations computed from the CTD data. Th
e temperature data from the customized equations had a one standard de
viation error of 0.13-degrees-C. A customized elapsed fall time-to-dep
th conversion equation was found to be z = 1.620t - 2.2384 X 10(-4)t2
+ 1.291 x 10(-7)t3, with z the depth in meters and t the elapsed fall
time after probe release in seconds. The standard deviation of the dep
th error was about 5 m; a rule of thumb for estimating maximum bounds
on the depth error below 100 m could be expressed as +/-2% of depth or
+/-10 m, whichever is greater. This equation gave greater depth accur
acy than either the manufacturer's supplied equation or the navy stand
ard equation.