The concentration of dissolved uranium has been determined in over 250
river waters from the Orinoco, Amazon, and Ganges basins. Uranium con
centrations are largely determined by dissolution of limestones, altho
ugh weathering of black shales represents an important additional sour
ce in some basins. In shield terrains the level of dissolved U is tran
sport limited. Data from the Amazon indicate that floodplains do not r
epresent a significant source of U in river waters. In addition, we ha
ve determined dissolved U levels in forty rivers from around the world
and coupled these data with previous measurements to obtain an estima
te for the global flux of dissolved U to the oceans. The average conce
ntration of U in river waters is 1.3 nmol/kg, but this value is biased
by very high levels observed in the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Yellow riv
ers. When these river systems are excluded from the budget, the global
average falls to 0.78 nmol/kg. The global riverine U flux lies in the
range of 3-6 x 10(7) mol/yr. The major uncertainty that restricts the
accuracy of this estimate (and that of all other dissolved riverine f
luxes) is the difficulty in obtaining representative samples from rive
rs which show large seasonal and annual variations in runoff and disso
lved load.