Fired ceramics containing zircon inclusisons have been dated by allowi
ng the zircons to regenerate their own thermoluminescence (TL) signal,
hence auto-regenerative TL dating. The technique is conceptually stra
ightforward. One first measures the TL accrued since the last heating
of the material. The zircon grains are then stored for six months and
the TL signal regenerated through self-irradiation is measured. Since
the internal dose-rate for zircon is dominated by the internal compone
nt the age of the sample is simply given by the ratio of the natural t
o auto-regenerated signal times the laboratory storage period. The tec
hnique, however, requires the measurement of a very small auto-regener
ated signal, which introduces a number of experimental and physical co
mplications. The methods for overcoming these problems and successfull
y dating zircons by auto-regeneration are described.