An iteration scheme, for solving the non-linear equations arising in t
he implementation of implicit Runge-Kutta methods, is proposed. This s
cheme is particularly suitable for parallel computation and can be app
lied to any method which has a coefficient matrix A with all eigenvalu
es real (and positive). For such methods, the efficiency of a modified
Newton scheme may often be improved by the use of a similarity transf
ormation of A but, even when this is the case, the proposed scheme can
have advantages for parallel computation. Numerical results illustrat
e this. The new scheme converges in a finite number of iterations when
applied to linear systems of differential equations, achieving this b
y using the nilpotency of a strictly lower triangular matrix S-1 AS -
LAMBDA, with LAMBDA a diagonal matrix. The scheme reduces to the modif
ied Newton scheme when S-1 AS is diagonal. A convergence result is obt
ained which is applicable to nonlinear stiff systems.