The few previously reported patients with familial parkinsonism and Le
wy-body pathology in the substantia nigra displayed a variety of clini
cal and pathologic syndromes. We now describe a family with very slowl
y progressive Parkinson's disease (PD) that has, in most cases, respon
ded poorly to levodopa and includes subjective visual difficulty. Four
personally confirmed cases-with onset at ages 35, 25, 16, and 16-have
occurred in three generations, and four suspicious cases have occurre
d in three other generations. There has been a trend toward progressiv
ely younger age of onset. One autopsied case showed a distribution of
cell loss and Lewy bodies typical of PD. The hereditary pattern is mos
t compatible with autosomal dominance. This kindred's illness shows th
at a presumably single Mendelian dominant gene can cause the clinical
and pathologic features of PD, and further extends the clinical spectr
um of pathologically typical Lewy-body PD.