Decision making problems in areas such as R&D project selection, facil
ity layout design, capital budgeting, resource allocation, communicati
on network design, and scheduling are more than often formulated as as
signment problems with quadratic objective functions in 0-1 variables.
Although quadratic assignment problems are formulated as mathematical
optimization problems, the solution algorithms that have been suggest
ed in the literature are usually heuristic. The scarcity of exact solu
tion techniques is attributed to the presence of large numbers of 0-1
variables as well as to the optimization of a nonlinear objective func
tion expressed in 0-1 variables. This paper suggests a reformulation m
ethod that linearizes the quadratic objective functions in assignment
problems and reduces the number of 0-1 variables one has to deal with
in the optimization process. The new reformulation leads to use of com
mercially available codes to solve the resulting mixed-integer linear
programming problem. Computational experience with this new reformulat
ion is also discussed.