Traumatic intracerebral haematomas are a common neurosurgical emergenc
y. The role of surgical removal is controversial. The diagnosis and tr
eatment of life-threatening thoracic or abdominal haemorrhage is more
urgent than are measures undertaken by the neurosurgeon. In the presen
t paper we report on 318 patients with severe head injury. In 161 case
s (38 female, 123 male) CT investigation showed a a resulting from con
tusion. About a third of each group of patients, both with and without
contusion-induced haematomas, were 2130 years old. The mortality rate
was 18.6 %. Multiple contusion haematomas occurred in 36 %, and solit
ary ones in 64 %. The diagnostic investigations showed contusion haema
tomas in isolation only in 10.6 % of patients. All others had addition
al injuries: epidural haematomas in 24 cases, subdural haematomas in 2
9, depressed fractures of the skull in 6, and traumatic subarachnoid h
aemorrhage in 37. Only 10 patients underwent operative removal of thei
r contusion haematomas by trepanation and 2 others by stereotactic pun