Various nutrition guidelines recommend increased consumption of fruits
and vegetables (F+V); a Year 2000 goal targets five or more daily ser
vings of F+V. Decisions are needed regarding how to define F+V to faci
litate measurement of goal achievement. Four alternative definitions (
narrow and broad, each with and without legumes) were developed and ap
plied to food frequencies from 133 children and 211 parents. Results v
aried by definition. Mean intake met the goal of five or more daily se
rvings regardless of definition and exceeded it for both broad definit
ions by children and both broad definitions and the narrow definition
with legumes for adults. Median intakes met the goal for all definitio
ns except for children with the narrow definition without legumes, and
exceeded it for children with both broad definitions and for adults w
ith the broad definition with legumes. These differences by definition
indicate that a clear definition of F+V is needed.