Objectives-To determine general practitioners' responses to and explan
ations for variation in rates of referral to hospital and how feedback
of data on rates of referral could be used to facilitate practices in
auditing their own referral behaviour. Design-Visits by audit facilit
ators to general practices after feedback of details of rates of refer
ral to hospital derived from annual reports in general practice. Setti
ng-92 general practices in East Anglia. Results-General practitioners
judged that access to specialist care, the individual skill of general
practitioners, patient demand, and fear of litigation were major dete
rminants of referral behaviour. Because there was widespread scepticis
m about the accuracy of the data on which the feedback was based and b
ecause there is no clear relation between rates of referral and qualit
y of care, it was extremely difficult to encourage doctors to use the
feedback as a basis for auditing their own hospital referrals. Conclus
ion-If general practitioners are to contribute meaningfully to monitor
ing future changes in referral patterns it will be essential to develo
p reliable information systems in which doctors have confidence. Furth
ermore, audits need to be based on analysis of clinical cases rather t
han on rates of referral.