Scientific measurement based on a single sensor or probe can provide o
nly limited information about the environment in which it operates. Th
e synergistic use of measurement data from a probe array composed of m
ultiple sensors will significantly increase the analytical power of a
scientific instrument. At present, NDT and inspection surveys represen
t a disparate collection of data from different sensors applied on an
individual basis. Data fusion will combine the signals from a range of
NDT sensors to provide a more complete picture and accurate assessmen
t of structural integrity than is currently available. Because analysi
s of NDT signals is sometimes ambiguous for an untrained operator, thi
s can lead to misinterpretation. The development of a data fusion syst
em which will reduce potential error by displaying a real 3-D image of
a defect, instead of an analog signal only, is very attractive. The v
ery nature of data fusion method, which relies on the superposition of
the results of different inspection techniques, adds confidence to th
e results of an inspection and the graphical native of the man-machine
interface reduces skill needed to interpret the results.