1. In ten normal volunteers, a transcranial magnetic or electric stimu
lus that was subthreshold for evoking an EMG response in relaxed muscl
es was used to condition responses evoked by a later, suprathreshold m
agnetic or electric test shock. In most experiments the test stimulus
was given to the lateral part of the motor strip in order to evoke EMG
responses in the first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI). 2. A magneti
c conditioning stimulus over the hand area of cortex could suppress re
sponses produced in the relaxed FDI by a suprathreshold magnetic test
stimulus at interstimulus intervals of 1-6 ms. At interstimulus interv
als of 10 and 15 ms, the test response was facilitated. 3. Using a foc
al magnetic stimulus we explored the effects of moving the conditionin
g stimulus to different scalp locations while maintaining the magnetic
test coil at one site. If the conditioning coil was moved anterior or
posterior to the motor strip there was less suppression of test respo
nses in the FDI. In contrast, stimulation at the vertex could suppress
FDI responses by an amount comparable to that seen with stimulation o
ver the hand area. With the positions of the two coils reversed, condi
tioning stimuli over the hand area suppressed responses evoked in leg
muscles by vertex test shocks. 4. The intensity of both conditioning a
nd test shocks influenced the amount of suppression. Small test respon
ses were more readily suppressed than large responses. The best suppre
ssion was seen with small conditioning stimuli (0.7-0.9 times motor th
reshold in relaxed muscle); increasing the intensity to motor threshol
d or above resulted in less suppression or even facilitation. 5. Two e
xperiments suggested that the suppression was produced by an action on
cortical, rather than spinal excitability. First, a magnetic conditio
ning stimulus over the hand area failed to produce any suppression of
responses evoked in active hand muscles by a small (approximately 200
V, 50 mus time constant) anodal electric test shock. Second, a vertex
conditioning shock had no effect on forearm flexor H reflexes even tho
ugh responses in the same muscles produced by magnetic cortical test s
hocks were readily suppressed at appropriate interstimulus intervals.
6. Small anodal electric conditioning stimuli were much less effective
in suppressing magnetic test responses than either magnetic or cathod
al electric conditioning shocks. This suggests that neither refractori
ness of corticospinal axons nor activity in pyramidal recurrent collat
erals was important in producing suppression. 7. The results are consi
stent with the idea that a weak magnetic conditioning stimulus over th
e motor cortex can engage intracortical inhibitory circuits. The possi
ble relationship to previously described inhibitory effects from motor
cortex stimulation in man and GABAergic inhibitory mechanisms in anim
als is discussed.