This study was undertaken to clarify the complex relationship between
poverty and race with disease-specific mortality. Data from the 1987 N
ational Health Interview Survey and the 1986 National Mortality Follow
back Survey were used to estimate standardized mortality ratios (SMRs)
. for various categories (all causes, a cancers, noncancerous medical
causes, lung and breast cancers, ischemic heart disease, and cerebrova
scular disease) associated with income below the poverty line and were
compared with those with adequate or better than adequate income. All
SMRs were substantially elevated. The SMRs were not appreciably affec
ted by adjustments for confounding by alcohol consumption, occupation,
or smoking. Sex-specific SMRs of blacks relative to whites with the e
xception of ischemic heart disease were significantly elevated for mal
es but not for females with the exception of the SMR for all causes. H
owever, when adjusted for per capita income within the family, black m
ortality never significantly exceeded that of whites. These results st
rongly support the conclusion that mortality differences between black
s and whites are due to differences in income and related factors. How
ever, it is unclear why poverty should be associated with elevation in
cancer relative risk.