Three methods of statistical study of triple systems' configurations h
ave been proposed. The mathematical expectations of geometrical charac
teristics have been compared for observed and simulated triangles in t
he first method of configurational parameters. The deviations from tru
e configurations due to projection effects have been considered. The o
ther two methods employ the division of configurational diagram D into
zones. In the inverse-matrix method, the true zonal statistics of con
figurations has been restored by solution of the set of linear equatio
ns, the right-hand sides of which are the observed numbers of configur
ations and the coefficients are the probabilities of zone-to-zone tran
sitions due to projections. The method of accidental coincidences comp
ares the statictics of observed configurations and projected ones for
hypothetical catalogs. If the difference between the number of observe
d and projected configurations for each zone does not exceed one and t
he total sum of these differences over all zones in not greater than t
wo, the hypothetical ensemble has been consiered as <<true>>. For the
sample of probably physical triplets of galaxies from the Karachentsev
a et al.'s (1979) catalog, the predominance of configurations close to
equilateral triangle has been revealed.