Five wheat flours, three milled from high-protein hard wheats and two
from low-protein soft wheats, were developed into doughs, dispersed in
water, and fractionated by centrifugation for 15 min at J,500 X g at
room temperature for a total of 0.5-1 hr. The fractions included a low
-protein (0.6-0.8%) prime starch, one or two gluten fractions containi
ng up to 67.0% protein (N X 5.7, dmb), tailings, insoluble fibers, and
water solubles. The protein-rich fractions contained up to 5.4 times
the protein contents of the original flours. Total prime starch yields
were up to 70% of total dry matter recovered. Protein recoveries in t
he protein concentrates were up to 88%. The total water load in the fr
actionation process was as low as 2.0 times the flour weight. This art
icle describes a closed system that produces a concentrate high in pro
tein and prime starch.