The surface of the cuticle of adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis has b
een studied by means of the freeze-fracture technique and by transmiss
ion electron microscopy. Some of the surface coat appears to have been
shed from the surface of the cuticle of adults fixed in situ in the i
ntestine of its host and from the surface of individuals removed from
the intestine and freeze-fractured. Freeze-fracturing the cuticle of i
ndividuals removed from the host has shown that this surface coat vari
es in thickness from 30 to 90 nm. The epicuticle is about 20 nm thick
and cleaves readily to expose E- and P-faces. The P-face of the epicut
icle possesses a small number of particles, similar to intra-membranou
s particles, whilst the E-face possesses a few, widely scattered depre
ssions. Despite the presence of these particles the epicuticle is not
considered to be a true membrane. Freeze-fracturing the remainder of t
he cuticle has confirmed its structure as described by conventional tr
ansmission electron microscopy. Clusters of particles on the P-face of
the outer epidermal (hypodermal) membrane and corresponding depressio
ns on the E-face of the membrane are thought to be associated with poi
nts of attachment of the cuticle to the epidermis (hypodermis). No dif
ferences in appearance of the cuticle and its surface layers were obse
rved in individuals taken from 7-, 10-, 13- and 15-day infections.