The female athlete, during her reproductive years, has a complex and e
ver-changing milieu of female steroid hormones, whether it is the endo
genous variations in estradiol and progesterone of a regular menstrual
cycle, or the exogenous synthetic hormones of the oral contraceptives
. Both estrogens and progestins have individual, interactive and somet
imes opposing physiological actions with potential implications for th
e exercising female. In retrospective surveys on the menstrual cycle a
nd performance, from 37 to 63% of athletes did not report any cycle 'p
hase' detriment, while 13 to 29% reported an improvement during menstr
uation. The best performances were generally in the immediate postmens
trual days, with the worse performances during the premenstrual interv
al and the first few days of menstrual flow. However, this type of stu
dy has an inherent built-in bias, and is further limited by the lack o
f substantiation of cycle phase. Many of the women studied associated
premenstrual symptoms, such as fluid retention, weight gain, mood chan
ges, and dysmenorrhoea with performance decrement. Such factors have a
lso been causally linked with an increase in traumatic musculoskeletal
injuries during the premenstrual and menstrual period. Neuromuscular
coordination, manual dexterity, judgement and reaction time for comple
x tests have been shown to be adversely affected in women with premens
trual syndrome or symptoms, but confounding variables may include nutr
ition status and blood sugar levels. In addition, not all women suffer
to the same level with premenstrual symptoms. Fluctuations in many ph
ysiological functions occur throughout the normal menstrual cycle. Res
ults of early studies are difficult to interpret owing to the small nu
mbers of women studied, wide range of fitness levels, and variability
in the definitions of cycle phase. Nevertheless, investigators did not
document any significant changes in measures of athletic performance
as a function of timing of testing during the menstrual cycle. Swimmer
s have shown a premenstrual worsening of performance times, with impro
vement during the menstrual phase and on the eighth day of the cycle.
An increase in perceived exertion was noted premenstrually and during
the early menstrual stage with very intense exercise. In cross-country
skiers, the best times were recorded in the postovulatory and postmen
strual phases, prompting the recommendation that training loads be sel
ected according to cycle phase to achieve maximum benefit. Investigati
ons using estradiol and progesterone levels as a confirmatory index of
ovulation have not generally found significant differences across the
cycle in either maximal or submaximal exercise responses, although a
slight decrease in aerobic capacity during the luteal phase has been r
eported. In contrast, an enhancement of endurance performance during t
he luteal phase, without any concomitant changes in cardiovascular var
iables has also been reported. There is evidence to suggest a decremen
t in isometric strength and endurance, potentially related to an incre
ase in deep muscle temperature during the luteal phase, however, littl
e accurate information exists on the influence of menstrual cycle phas
e on strength. nstrual symptoms. Some cross-sectional studies have fou
nd an increase in oxygen consumption for a standardised workload in wo
men taking oral contraceptives. A slight decrease in maximal aerobic c
apacity with a decrease in muscle mitochondrial citrate has been demon
strated, suggesting a potential cellular mechanism. Recent investigati
ons have shown a slight decrease in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), wi
thout alterations in any of the cardiovascular variables.