The Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios in some bulk abyssal and alpine peridotites are
too high to be binary mixtures of depleted mantle and seawater compon
ents. The apparent excess, or ''orphan,'' Sr-87 appears to be separate
d from its radioactive parent. Such observations were widely held to b
e analytical artifacts. Study of several occurrences of orphan Sr-87 s
hows that the orphan component in abyssal peridotite is located in the
alteration products of olivine and enstatite in the peridotite. The o
rphan Sr-87 is most likely introduced by infiltration of low-temperatu
re (<200-degrees-C) seawater bearing suspended detrital particulates.
These particulates include grains of detrital clay that are partly der
ived from continental (that is, granitic) sources and thus are highly
radiogenic. Orphan Sr-87 and other radiogenic isotopes may provide a t
racer for low-temperature seawater penetrating into the oceanic crust.