Transformations of the gamma and beta phases in uranium-rich uranium-t
ransition metal systems have certain similarities to the reactions in
ferrous steels. Evidence for the pearlitic, bainitic and martensitic m
odes of decomposition of the beta-phase in uranium alloys is well docu
mented. It is also well known that the decomposition of the gamma-phas
e involves formation of martensite or pearlite-like product, depending
on the temperature at which it takes place. In the present paper the
decomposition of the quenched gamma phase in ternary U-0.6 wt% Ti-0.3
wt% V alloy was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and X
-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the reaction in the gamma-
quenched U-0.6 wt% Ti-0.3 wt% V alloy has some of the characteristics
of bainitic reaction.