The importance of tunneling rays in ionospheric structures is examined
by considering VHF transequatorial propagation in field-aligned equat
orial plasma bubbles. It is found that tunneling rays can cause a sign
ificant decrease in the amount of VHF power capable of being guided by
bubbles, therefore indicating that allowance should be made for tunne
ling modes when modeling this sort of propagation. While the power los
s associated with tunneling rays decreases with a decrease of frequenc
y, it increases with a decrease in the radius of curvature of a guide'
s cross section. Consequently, the effect of these modes on HF ducting
within guides of small cross section, similar to those observed on to
pside ionograms, is also investigated. Results from this analysis also
indicate a substantial amount of power loss due to tunneling modes, w
hich must be accounted for in any detailed analysis of experimental HF
ducting results.