An alternating code set is employed as one of several possible techniq
ues used in incoherent scatter radar transmissions to obtain ambiguity
-free measurements of autocorrelation functions or spectra with good r
ange resolution. An alternating code set consists of several codes; ty
pically, each successive radar pulse is modulated with a different cod
e in the sequence. This technique is useful in other types of radar tr
ansmissions when the target is overspread, assuming the targets have c
ertain statistical properties. Code sets for a new type of alternating
code are presented for code lengths 8-12. This new type of alternatin
g code differs from the first kind in two ways: it is subject to a sli
ghtly different condition for the elimination of ambiguity, and it is
not restricted to lengths that are powers of 2. The new lengths are us
eful because they allow greater freedom in designing a multipurpose ra
dar waveform best utilizing the available duty cycle of the radar. The
alternating code technique is described in detail sufficient to allow
an understanding of the two types and to show that the new condition
for ambiguity-free measurements is a useful one. A search program was
used to find the new sets; the aspects of the program important for de
creasing the size of the search space are described. The code sets are
presented, and their significance and uses are discussed.