The basic concept of this article is the need to adapt the health syst
ems to demographic and epidemiologic changes, considering that, at the
present time the principal health problem of the world is adult healt
h: non transmissible chronic diseases and accidents. As in the previou
s epidemiological cycle, when maternal and child health problems predo
minated, the aim must be put in health promotion and prevention, encou
raging behavioral changes that decrease or avoid risk factors. The bas
ic tools to incite the change are social communication, the introducti
on of health educational contents in formal education and the global r
eorientation of health systems from a predominance of curative actions
towards preventive actions. At the present time, the analysis and deb
ate of this topic has allowed the creation of multidisciplinary teams,
integrated by epidemiologists, economists and sociologists, that will
have to stratify the problems according to the needs and resources of
a developing world. In Chile, a project searching for equity in the 3
5 poorest and postoponed communities in the whole country is in operat
ion. The most important result of this exercise has been the resemblan
ce between the opinions of the community and of the public health spec
ialists, which greatly helps the search for solutions.