We constructed a high-resolution imaging spectrograph for use as a pay
load in a sounding rocket experiment. The spectrograph employs a modif
ied Ebert-Fastie design with a LiF objective prism and a replica of an
El echelle grating developed for the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrog
raph. The instrument has a 5-arcmin-long adjustable width entrance ape
rture with two identical secondary apertures separated from the primar
y by +/- 2 arcmin. The secondary apertures are intended for simultaneo
us measurement of the sky background. The spectrograph has been optimi
zed for measurement of the 221st order of Lyman-alpha at a resolution
of 0.03 to 0.04 angstrom. The detector system is a two-dimensional pho
ton counting device that employs a microchannel plate intensifier and
a wedge and strip anode readout. The spectrograph is used as a focal p
lane instrument of the Jupiter Telescope, a Cassegrain telescope const
ructed exclusively for use as a sounding rocket payload. The Jupiter T
elescope is self-pointed, employing image motion compensation to achie
ve 2- to 3-arc sec image quality. The telescope/spectrograph payload w
as launched from the White Sands Missile Range on May 4, 1991, to obse
rve the H Lyman-alpha. line profile spatially resolved across the disk
of Jupiter in the North-South (polar) and East-West (equatorial) dire
ctions, and to measure the H Lyman-alpha emission line profile from in
terplanetary hydrogen associated with the local insterstellar medium.