Veiling glare is a phenomenon present in most imaging devices and syst
ems. It is a source of concern in proximity-focused image intensifiers
where it causes a loss in image contrast, especially at low spatial f
requencies. Veiling glare was measured in two different ITT F4111 18-m
m image intensifiers, one with a fiber optic input window and fiber op
tic output window (FO/FO), and the other with a quartz input and fiber
optic output window (Q/FO), by means of a half-field high-contrast ex
citation method. Near-field veiling glare, a measure of stray light cl
ose to a high-contrast edge, and far-field veiling glare, a measure of
more widely distributed stray light, were measured as fractions of th
e illumination level. Near-field veiling glare of 0.4 +/- 0.1 and far-
field veiling glare of 0.08 +/- 0.02 were measured for the FO/FO inten
sifier, and near-field veiling glare of 0.38 +/- 0.01 and far-field ve
lling glare of 0.03 +/- 0.002 were measured for the Q/FO intensifier.
The characteristic length, which is a measure of the extent of veiling
glare from the edge, was 0.69 +/- 0.04 mm (near-field) and 1.8 +/- 0.
4 mm (far-field) for the FO/FO intensifier, and 1.19 +/- 0.03 mm (near
-field) and 6 +/- 1 mm (far-field) for the Q/FO intensifier. A prelimi
nary investigation suggests that the characteristic length for near-fi
eld glare increases with increasing wavelength.