The existence of a relationship between Insulin-Dependent Diabetes and
eating disorders has recently been observed, but its prevalence and i
mpact on somatic functioning remain poorly understood. These dimension
s were evaluated in a population of 52 insulin-dependent diabetic adol
escent girls and compared with evaluations of matched subjects from th
e general population. Results showed that the occurence of anorexia ne
rvosa is rare, the occurence of unspecified eating disorders is freque
nt (35%) and the occurence of bulimia nervosa is nearly six percent. P
oor metabolic control as reflected in blood levels of glycosylated hem
oglobin (HBA1C) was found in bulimic subjects and a tendency to be ove
rweight was found in subjects with an unspecified eating disorder. Sin
ce such disorders frequently involve dietary restrictions, the role of
a restrictive pattern in the occurence of eating disorders is raised.