For economists, sustainability and environmental valuation are connect
ed in two ways. At the micro level, proper environmental valuation is
required if projects are to be approved and rejected consistently with
sustainability requirements. This is cost benefit analysis. At the ma
cro level, many take the view that sustainability requires that nation
al income measurement be modified so as to account for environmental d
amage. Such natural resource accounting is possible only if environmen
tal damage is valued for incorporation into the economic accounts. The
paper reviews the techniques that economists have developed for envir
onmental valuation. In regard to cost benefit analysis and sustainabil
ity, it is noted that the technique on which most interest focuses, th
e Contingent Valuation Method, involves the extension of the domain of
consumer demand analysis to include the natural environment. Contribu
tions questioning the appropriateness of this are reviewed, and it is
argued that they merit more attention from economists than they have r
eceived to date. In regard to natural resource accounting, it is argue
d that while there is little prospect of it achieving what its propone
nts claim for it, the modelling that it necessarily implies has the po
tential to both clarify valuation issues and play an important role in
informing the policy process.