Due to the need of relieving the strain associated with the formation
Of SiO2 precipitates in silicon, co-precipitation of carbon with oxyge
n in silicon wafers may involve a large number of atomic and point def
ect species: oxygen, carbon, vacancies, and silicon self-interstitials
. This allows many parallel mechanisms for strain relief to occur. In
the present paper we first reason that this complex system may be redu
ced to that involving only three species: oxygen, carbon, and self-int
erstitials; and the strain relief mechanisms may be limited to two: th
at via self-interstitials and that involving carbon. We then propose a
dominant (strain relief species) flux criteria to explain the behavio
r of carbon and oxygen co-precipitation in silicon. When the carbon fl
ux is dominant, carbon should co-precipitate with oxygen. When the sil
icon self-interstitial flux is dominant, carbon should not co-precipit
ate with oxygen, even at high concentrations. Available data, spanning
the temperature range of 450-1000-degrees-C and a carbon concentratio
n range of from less than 0.5 X 10(16) to 1 X 10(18) cm-3, can be expl
ained using this criterion.